Crowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweets

Crowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweets
Crowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweetsCrowe sorry for anti-circumcision tweets

Deformation of the Human Skull

In the USSR, artificially deformed skulls are known from ancient tombs Crimea, Caucasus, Central Asia and the Volga region (Sarmatians). The most widespread Circular deformation, in which drag head bandage around the circumference and gets through this extended upward and backward form. To enhance the action of bandage on the forehead and sometimes on his head superimposed plates, leading to a sharp flattening of the forehead and neck.

Angry Babies

 Pictures of some extremely angry babies

Two Rolex on A Hand

 Fidel Castro and Che Guevara - the main symbol of the world left-wing movements, ascetics, besserebrenniki and amateur hour Rolex. Paradox. Proof of their commitment to the brand in dozens of archival photographs, which advocates the poor were sealed with expensive chronometers on the wrists. It is not known why both Comandante preference for Rolex, but most likely, the choice was made in favor of reliability. In the Cuban leader, even a pair of Rolex on one hand

Cold on the Ganges

 This year the whole of central India are unprecedented, even for January cold. Most of the day the region is covered with fog, heavy and joyless, as if the dough from third-flour. Daytime temperature does not rise above twelve, and at night varies near the mark in three degrees. It seems just a little colder, and temples porastut thin needles of frost. The sun breaks through just to midday, but even then shines through force, gradually dying to five in the evening. "

Odd Creatures

Fashion Week in Paris

 An extra ordinary exhibition of unique designs.